Thursday, November 7, 2013

So Busy 9.26.13

So busy, running out the door
Never making any time for the Lord.
Wondering where, when and why
life got so hard.

Still looking to man for all the answers
When are we going to learn
Jesus is the answer.
He still saves, delivers and heals.

Our enemy is a defeated foe.
Jesus defeated him over 2,000  years ago.
So don't be looking to men for an answer,
'cept the man, Jesus Christ.

Overcome, blood-bought believers
purchased with the blood of Jesus Christ.
Set free because of him,
Make time to hear the Words of the Lamb.
You'll find you're free from cares and worries
and don't be looking to no man, 'cept the Lamb.

The Truth Hurts...

I keep trying to bring myself from negative to positive, and I keep running into negative.  It is a very frustrating spot that I find myself trying to keep getting out of this hole and just about the time I think I've made it...WHAM!  That's right, life dumps another heap of dirt/mud/sludge/slime right on top of me.  "Lord, I can't do this."  'That's right, you can't.'  I heard the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit say to me.  "You can only do all things through Jesus Christ, you can't do them in your own strength."  I see posts on social networking sites about people thanking God for their blessings.   It reminds me to be positive.  Be Positive, NOT NEGATIVE!  I have a very hard time with this, because I find that while I am trying to be positive, it usually counters head-on with Truth.  We cannot compromise Truth for the sake of being positive.  The world,  more than ever, needs Truth, God's Truth which is - Jesus Christ is the only way.  There are people who will fight you tooth and toenail over the issue of Jesus Christ.  I see churches jumping through hoops to try and attract people when I find the gospel very simple.  Love God, love people.  Don't need to  jump through hoops.  Don't need to play no games...including head games.  Take off the masks and get real.  Life is ugly.  The answers are going to be ugly, but at the price of spending eternity in Hell...I don't mind some ugliness if it is going to bring me to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.  Because in the end, it is my relationship with Him that matter.  That's not saying I'm going to like the ugliness of life.  I'll probably whine and cry because Lord knows, I can whine and cry with the best of them; but better to whine and cry than burn and be separated from the Lord for eternity.  So while trying to strive to better myself by being positive, I hope it is never at the expense of Truth.