Friday, February 17, 2023

More Remembering of Missy...Coming Home   

So while my hubby was out and about doing his job, he met a cat named "Bubbles."  He told me she was a Tuxedo Kitty that looked just like "Mr. Buttons."  He sent a picture and sure enough, as soon as I saw that cat, I fell in love again.  There was Mr. Buttons face.  However, there were several people who had prior claim to Bubbles and Bubbles seemed loved and well taken care of so we accepted that it was what it was and one day, when things were right we would have another cat.  

I really do not know how it all came about, but my husband got home and said, "We're taking a road trip tomorrow."  Me, "Huh?"  'yes, we've got to go to Timbucktoo tomorrow and pick up Bubbles.'  I'm like, "Okay, whatever."  It's pretty much been my response to my husband.  Just roll with it, Debbie.  I really did not want another cat in my life at this time because life is just hard right now with a chemical sensitivity, allergies, and reactions.  Just what I need right, a cat?  But cats are special and cats that need a home are really special.  Unless they're like murderous Lily that we had to finally put outside because of issues.  Lily's story is for another day - today is about Missy.  

We arrived and got our new cat.  We had gone about an hour and a half to two hours down the road coming back home.  She had been sweet, she had not growled at us or scratched, clawed, any of those things a 'new' cat would do. 

But in talking to her, she never responded to "Bubbles" and they said they sometimes called her "Tubby" - I thought to myself - No one in my house is getting called Tubby.  She did not respond to that either when we tried it.  However, at this point down the road I called her "Miz Kitty." She let out this caterwaul.  Yes, you know "Meeeeeooooowwwwww!!!!" With emphasis added.  I said, "Miz Kitty it is then."  But even this changed after her arriving at her new home.  More on that in a bit....

We proceeded on down the road and she felt safe enough to come out and go lay down in the back of the car.  At times, we noticed her looking around and as the trip was still quite a ways to her new home, we tried to make it as comfortable for her as we could.  For all my cat experiences, emergencies, etcetera, she took it all in stride staying a nice, sweet cat.  The two weeks and three days were not enough time with her.  We needed those years and I guess that's why I'm blogging this as it my way to grieve losing her but also letting the world know they lost something special.  One of the animals who come here, you know, angels.  Our family has had their fair share of animal angels and Missy is right there with them.  

About her name change from Miz Kitty to Missy - Well, after a few days of settling in, she did what all cats do.  She took over.  Up to and including if I was putting something in a particular spot and then moved it, she would get in the spot that I usually put it in.  Say like laying dirty clothes on the bed.  She looked at the pile of permanent press on the bed.  Now mind you, she never laid on my bed.  She had always chosen my hubby's spot on his couch.  Yes, my husband sleeps on a couch because he says it makes his back hurt less.  So despite never laying on the bed before then, the next day she lays on the bed right where I had placed those clothes like 'This is my spot."  And she would do this with other things like right in the middle of the walking pathway.  Just like a cat, right?  So one day I hear this scratching and having forgot that my hubby had gotten her a scratching board, I heard - Scratch, scratch, scratch - That was the day her name changed from Miz Kitty to "Missy."  Yea, a good ole southern name as in - "Now lookie here Missy, you'd better stop that!"  Any southerner can hear their mother saying that right now....So her name changed from "Miz Kitty" to "Missy" and life is never going to be the same.  But I am gong to laugh every time I think of this moment and then realized, "Oh yeah, you have a scratching post and it's not the couch this time."  

What 'cha getting on to me for, I'm using my scratching board!!!

The last thing I wanted to do was to have to put Missy back in that crate and take her to the Vet.  The Vet and her team were great despite a shaky start.  I knew I had an emergency and trying to convince an already overworked, overscheduled doctor's office that it really was an emergency is hard sometimes.  I am giving Deer Park Veterinary Clinic a shout out here.  They were great.  I was so stressed that I actually forgot my purse at home.  You can ask my husband how many times I have forgotten my purse in my life.  Never before.  I did not like having to leave her and come home but there it was...and I know I did not have to go back.  I wanted Missy to know she was not  dumped again and if I could have brought her back home, she would be here.  But, I couldn't and she couldn't stay on Earth any longer except to go through great pain and knowing pain myself really well, I did not want to do that in my selfishness of not letting her go.  As I said, I do not understand all of the what ifs' and whys' but I know I can choose to not get in anger, bitterness, or depression.  

For two weeks and three days Missy knew she was loved, wanted and safe.  I stayed with her through her last breath asking God why because I could feel the heat in my hand, the healing anointing of God which manifests at times and people have been healed: not by me, but by Christ working through me.  Yeah, call me crazy, but this stuff is real.  I was baffled as to why He would let me 'feel it' and yet not raise her back to life.  I had to remove my hand and was I doing the right at one point I am like - Here we go again.  They're going to think I'm crazy.  I prayed and asked Jesus to either 'Raise her up or take her.'  In that moment, even though the 'anointing heat' was there, she got really still, like breathing but at peace, not hurting and for the first time I heard her purr.  I 'felt' more than heard 
'release her, let her go.'  It's hard to explain and put in words and maybe I am throwing my pearls before swine, but this is one of those questions of "Why!"   He has used me for healing (changed after I posted) in people's lives.  I would like to know why such an intense manifestation of 'warmth' in my hand more so than I have had with some people being prayed for...I wanted to snatch her up and take her home and say - We'll give Jesus a try again, but somehow, I just did not have it in me anymore which really makes me sad and feeling like the Lord did say, "Let her go."  If someone has answers, if Jesus gives you any insight in to this, please share.   

Correction, just one day short of two weeks, we had Missy and I come back and find other things in error that I know were not that way...All I can say to people who do this...God wins!  Every single time, God Wins!  

 Put On the Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness...

There are times where life is just hard...and the hardest part is not understanding.  If we just understood, it would bring such peace to our situation.  I do not understand why 'the attacks', other than I know that I have an enemy.  An enemy who does not want to see anyone happy, joyful, prospering in the Lord.  Yes, the battle of good versus evil.  Evil tries to take your joy in any way that it can.  I surrender, right now, all the convoluting, mind numbing thoughts of why to you, Jesus.  When you are staring evil in the face, how are you going to respond?  

For a time, I lost my ability to maintain my peace.  Well, if I was controlling it that means God did not have it, did He?  So, I have learned that only God can help me to do anything.  If I am to walk in peace and yet confront evil, how do I do this and not be like evil?  It was baffling.  I knew that if I respond as the world responds, God would not like this.  He would not approve.  However, I also did read where God said, "If you do not stand for what is right, that is wrong too."  What to do, what to do....

Well, first things first-  Never Give Up!!!  Never Give In!!!  Not to evil.  No!  To God, YES! Absolutely because God will take it and use it for His Glory!  So as the devil has once again tried to pull me back in to anger, bitterness, sadness, despair, steal my joy, I am standing.  I'm setting my face like flint.  I'm not wallowing in the pit of despair, anger, pity- the woe is me place.  Call it hard or lack of compassion, whatever, I'm getting in the Happy Boat, I'm putting on my garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.  

In past, I would have relished in the pity me boat.  Not anymore, I decided I was sick of the sad, depressed, anger, pity boat.  So for the last couple of years I have been working on the - I'm not going to let this get inside of me.  I am going to BELIEVE God's Word.  I'm going to stand no matter what anyone is saying and yes, I have been called the gamut of names "You're crazy..." etc. etc. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah....Yea, whatever, devil - take yourself out of here in the Name of Jesus Christ and get on down the road preferably back to the abyss from which you came.  

I told my husband, who is also grieving, the more evil tries to steal my joy, the more I am going to let my light shine.  I'm going to praise Jesus.  I'm going to let my light shine brighter...Sing it together with me:  This little light of mine...I'm going to let it shine...yes, a simple child-like song that breaks the yoke of oppression.  Get your praise on!  Put on that garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.  

Rest in peace, Missy.  We only had you for two weeks and three days.  We don't have answers as to why, only conclusion that do not lead to peace so we are going to remember you by shining the light on evil, and praising and thanking Jesus for bringing you in to our lives for the short time we had you.  You were loved and wanted and we know one day we will see you again in Heaven.  

Don't confuse her for Mr. Buttons though!!!