Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Real Vs. Fake


Wow!  What a crazy roller coaster ride the world has become lately....

It's on my heart - Real Vs. Fake, Lord Jesus, please help me!  I need discernment.  And boy, has He ever answered that one.  The world has become one big battlefield of control and manipulation.  You do This!!! Demand! Demand! Demand!  IF YOU DON'T DO THIS!  DEMAND! DEMAND! DEMAND!  

I also cannot tell you how much spiritual attack my wonderful husband and I have come under for just simply trying to obey Jesus.   Thank God, I married a Christian man who has extended grace to me more times than I ever deserve.  

Remember as Christians, our center to ground is God's Word.  As Christians, we are to believe God's Word more than what we are seeing or feeling or hearing, or sensing...Things may appear to be one way when really they are something else.  

I have a physical deficiency, and yes, I am trusting the Lord for my healing, but in this process and it is deeply embarrassing to have to admit that I, at times, have hallucinations.  This 'disease' has caused my world to turn upside down.  Along with the hallucinations comes pain, different kinds of pain.  Cramping pain, burning pain, continuous chronic aching pain, sharp-shooty jabby pain, cattle prod being poked in my back pain, along with the sudden inability, after moving around just fine, cannot walk pain, muscle stiffness and joint pain.  And this too, can happen to you.  I pray it doesn't.  But this is a bunny trail and back to task - Real Vs. Fake...

In these hallucinations, the enemy had convinced me that my husband was trying to kill me and that his family was out to get me also; and, my husband was convinced I was out to get him.  There were physical manifestations such as black spots suddenly appearing in the carpet, messes left in the bathroom.  This happened even after a person visited  my house and I thought, "Boy, these people are after me and my husband's got them convinced too."  Yes, this happened and 'No, I'm not crazy!"  This is exactly how the demonic works and if you don't believe me, just ask anyone who has worked in deliverance ministries.  The only way to combat the enemy with other people is by talking to that person, reading and speaking scripture, and prayer to God and then being obedient to do what He says to do in that situation.  If you are doing what God wants you to do, you are going to get attacked.  We have to know how to defend ourselves against the enemy and a lot of churches are not teaching their people how to operate in spiritual warfare.  To them, it's a game and these things cannot happen.  But I am telling you the truth today, because these things did and are happening.  All I can say to you is that if someone is telling you how they 'feel' believe them because it is very real to them.  You are not going to get through by mocking them or putting them down, etc.  If you are gaslighting and being narcissistic, eventually you will lose it all:  that person you are trying to control and dominate is one day going to stand against your wrongdoing.  Everything you are trying so hard to keep is going to get ripped right out of your hands.  This is why I equate narcissism with the human sin nature because when you get to root of it, it's sin.  In this process, the Lord was teaching me how to war also against the spirit of Control and Manipulation, the spirit known as Jezebel.  

Now, if you will remember, some time ago I blogged on this topic - and I asked the Lord why certain things kept happening to me.  This was before I had the triggering of this chronic physical ailment I deal with now.  He led me to the book by Steve Sampson "Confronting the Jezebel Spirit, How to Defeat the Spirit of Control and Manipulation."  I also was led to the book "Boundaries, How to Say No and Take Control of Your life" by Drs. Townsend and Clark.  I found both books to be helpful.  However, I will say that Boundaries is so easily perverted by the enemy.  He will take it and make you go overboard in saying no which in itself becomes a form of  'control and manipulation.'  This must be avoided at all cost.  Jesus does not want us running around telling others what to do and how to do is His job to clean someone up, not you.  And you cannot be the Holy Spirit for another person.  However, you can stop participating in their sin.  And again, this is a process that only you and the Lord can work out by you reading His Word, praying, and obeying Jesus by doing what He tells you to do.  He will never tell you to go against His Word.  And I'm sorry, but I just do not see it that you cut someone off if they do you wrong.  I haven't quite figured out what the correct response is, but I know Jesus says to show them kindness, compassion, understanding, patience... and with this let me preface by saying - if the person is abusing you, doing harmful things, then yes, you have to do what you need to do to protect yourself and your family.  But if it is just because you have different viewpoints, then no; you do not just get to cut them off.  This all gets really muddy as most of these issues carry a lot of hurt, injury, and downright meanness that can cause even more trauma and injury.  Best left to the experts right, except that sometimes, the experts are telling you to do things that God says in His Word not to do.  But again, for now, this is another bunny trail.  So back to the topic - Geez, I wonder why I'm having such a hard time staying on topic today - Real vs. Fake!  

This world has become so good at making fake look real.  I mean, you cannot even tell some cuts of meat, trimmings, from a real Prime Rib.  You don't believe me?  Well, pick your favorite search engine and go research something called - meat glue.  I tell you, it just about turned me in to a vegetarian.  Technology is wonderful if used correctly.  It is absolutely horrible when it is used to deceive and trick.  And this, my friend, is exactly how the enemy works.  He uses a half-truth to trick you and then introduces the deception.  More than ever if you are a Christian, you need to be reading God's Word so you will know what it says and proceed from there because you do not ever want to side against God's Word.  

As evil grows, in these last days, I also find it is easier to see some of the fake.  But evil is getting really good at hiding fake, so again, Warning, Danger Will Robinson, Danger!  Warning! Warning!  Never stop asking the Lord for discernment...Make sure you compare that newer version of God Word, The Holy Bible, against some of the older versions like the King James to be sure parts of scripture are not being removed.  Oh, you did not know they were doing that?  Well, yes they are.    Discernment, Never Leave Home Without It!  And if you do not know, ask your Bible reading Christian friend/s...




Tuesday, February 2, 2021

God Always Had A Plan!!!

 Are you looking around, like me, and saying "What in the world has happened?"  'I just want life to go back to normal.' - Yeah, don't we all...But here is the truth - Life can never go back to normal.  It can never go back to oppression and dominion.  Hmmmm, Dominion - Now, there's a word we've been hearing a lot lately.  The spirit behind it, control and domination.  You do know who the spirit of control and domination is, right? ?? Don't you?  Control and domination equals Jezebel.  Who ride the beast?  A woman.  Now you are seeing exactly how the Bible plays in to all of these shenanigans and who are under the influence of that particular spirit of Jezebel. The Bible is not just a book of nice stories.  The Holy Bible is really a living, alive book that is still very relevant in today's events, across all the world.  Jesus Christ stated that He came to set the captive free.  Free from what?  Everything.  Sin, oppression, tyrants, dictators, any form of control and somebody lording it over someone else, but most of all He came because He loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you.  He wants to be a part of your life, to have you come to Him, ask Him your questions.  He wants to be your best friend.  

You see, Friend, there are only two side:  Good vs. Evil.  There is only one path to Good and that is the path of Jesus Christ.  All the others fall on the side of evil and as much as you say, "That's unfair!"  That is the truth.  Where there is control and domination there is witchcraft.  That's right, repeat that - Where there is control and domination, there is witchcraft.  Witches are not good whether they are white witches or black witches.  The Bible specifically states that God hates the Nicolaitans.  Now there is not much that tells us who or what the Nicolaitans are except one key phrase.  We find this in  Revelations 2:6

 6But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. 7He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

and again in  Revelations 3:15

15So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. 16Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.

Here is an excellent article on the Doctrine of Nicolaitans Deeds and Doctrine of Nicolaitans

I am so thankful for people who have done the hard work.  

So to my simple mind, this is those who would lord it over other people.  But I found even more today even as I am writing this and it is the fact, preachers who would set aside Christ and put themselves in authority instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to have the leading in their fellowships.  I have found lately there are a whole lot of people who have done exactly this following false gods like Moloch, Baal, Asheroth, Osiris...and there is a reason why people should study out their Bibles like the Berean.  Find out if those conspiracy theories are true - if there is one ounce of truth it needs to be heeded and looked in to so that others may not 'lord' it over another human.  Remember, the sacrifice of children have been going on for thousands of years and as long as one child is still being sacrificed on the altar of evil, we need for life to not go back to normal.