Thursday, October 2, 2014

Running Into Brick Walls...

Compromise?  No...You're judging...So many thoughts running through my head.  Bowing, I submit again, only, but only to you, Lord Jesus do I submit.  What are you going to do?  Wait until they are standing at the door?  You'd better make a stand, because there's no time for anything else...
Compromise?  Deny?  Facts to be verified...Did you?  Have you?  No...well you'd better.  It's life you're messing with - yours, mine, and theirs.  Compromise?  I don't think so, not anymore...Life's ugly, the answers are hard.  That's not judging, that's real love.  Judging doesn't give an answer because the judger takes joy in the suffering of the one being judged.  I'm asking, what are you giving up? at the price of a life?  The one life what is it worth?  God said, "It's worth the price of my Son dying in your stead."  Compromise?  No!  I don't think so, not anymore!