Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Casting Nets With My Father... 

One of my favorite memories of my life was going cast netting with my earthly father.  My father loved to go camping, hunting and fishing.  I have many memories of times spent floating down the river and casting a hook in to the water, sitting around a camp fire telling stories, singing songs, drinking a cup of eggnog (very cold, wintertime) with just a tad of Rum to warm you up.  During this time on the water, Dad would point out to me many things.  Things to be aware of because they could be dangerous like a log floating on the river bank, except it wasn't a log.  Other times, when the water is cresting over the door opening for the jeep, except that it was safe and the jeep was going to make it to the other side my father reassured me.  The joy and awe of taming a wild animal (a raccoon) with cornflakes; yet, learning there are some animals you can never tame.  They're too old, too wild, too _______________ (fill in the blank).  

As I was thinking back to those happy times, I, more or less, saw Jesus casting his net with the disciples.  They were all fishermen and Jesus told me, "Cast your net with me."  And immediately, I had that sense of peace and reassurance that I had with my earthly father.  While the world is shouting and yelling, Jesus is quietly calling out to all who will hear Him, "Come, cast your nets with me."  Those who are casting with Jesus, He is saying, "Cast your net and find others who will cast with you for other people."  You are truly who you hang around with in this life.  You can be an overcomer or you can be defeated, your choice.  

I was speaking with my daughter, a discussion of frustrations of life, irritating bosses and managers, things forced on us that we want no part of, and I told her I have determined to be in "The Happy Boat."  We discussed how we are tired of being in the sad and depressed boat and for far too long.  We made a pact to get in the happy boat and if you don't want to get in the happy boat, well, more or less, leave us alone.  While I realize you cannot stay in the happy boat or place all the time, you can still choose to not let whatever frustration or obstacle your facing come in to your inner self.
I'm inviting all of you today to get in the "Happy Boat" and "Cast your net with Jesus."  There is nothing this world has to offer that compares with the peace of mind and joy that Christ brings to you when you make Him the Lord of your life.