Friday, December 2, 2016

Lift High The Standard .... Part Two

Some people have told me, "Don't be so negative."  "Get over it."  etcetera, etc.  So on the topics of accountability and lift high the standard why do I take such a stance?  Well, I shared some of my story on a Facebook post regarding the unemployment in America.  You will have to go there to see what I said, but I guess my  number one primary reason for the anti-bullying stance I have taken is that I saw those in leadership positions sit idly by and do absolutely nothing to help people who were or are being injured by such actions and sometimes were the ones bullying,

I truly was raised that you did not accept such behavior and you certainly did not sit by and watch it happen to others.  I have learned and am learning, however, that you cannot fight for everyone.  I was told you must let that person deal with it.  You are supposed to sit by and watch and keep your mouth shut.  Nope.  Not me.  You did it to me, I saw you do it to someone else, I saw leadership keep their mouths shut and not do a thing, and for evil to prevail is for good men to stand up and do nothing!!!

I decided I had had enough with watching those in authority, leadership roles, whatever part they played, stand by and do nothing.  (Insert from post where I shared an article on Facebook about the 95,000,000 unemployed Americans and where I fit in...)

This is where I fit in on the numbers count... "The Labor Department added that in November there were 1.9 million Americans marginally attached to the labor force or people who looked for work at some point in the last 12 months but were not in the labor force. Among the marginally attached were 591,000 discouraged workers or those who are not looking for a job because they do not think there is a job out there for them." 
My hubby and I spent around $4,000.00 to 'transition' my former career as a Medical Transcriptionist to a Medical Coder. I obtained a brief trainee session for six weeks but could not make the quality/production requirements required by the client. Yes, I passed my national CPC certification exam and the new ICD-10 proficiency exam. I had no experience as a coder. The training session was one of the most brutal experiences I have ever encountered while trying to learn a 'job'. After having a previous employer who makes billions steal from my paltry paycheck (research Medquist/transcriptionists law suit) while my dad was dying of brain cancer, experiencing my husband problems with a manager on the job resulting in the loss of his job due to bullying, experiencing my own bully manager and coworker, experiencing another bully episode in the above-mentioned training session, and seeing the overall industry lies in the healthcare profession, I decided to work in healthcare was no longer an option for me. After applying to another job and being told again I do not qualify, and as I am over 50, I really believe there is no job for me. I'm too old. An employer really does not know what they are losing when they don't hire me. I try my very best to do a job to the best of my ability. I am loyal to my own detriment. But I agree with my children, entrepreneurship is the way to go because I am not going to compromise my integrity for anyone.

Link to article -

May I direct your attention to the Bible again and the story about the Samaritan.  I do not see the lesson of "You can't be involved in this, " being taught there.  What is the standard?  Help someone.  Not for anything you can get out of it, but just because it is the right thing to do.

I'm not angry.  I'm not bitter, well a little, but I am dealing with it and talking to God about it, and giving it to him minute by minute, day by day...but, BUT   I decided that someone had to do something.  That is why I am talking about accountability, standards, right vs. wrong. 

Not only did I watch my own children be hurt by such things, my husband, and myself, I also saw and are seeing neighbors who are being hurt by such attitudes and actions.  I have heard of yet another young person who took their life due to such actions.  How many is that now in our neighborhood?  Just watching the news unfold over the last couple of is time for those who see it and do nothing to see it and starting doing something to correct the wrongs.  Not by becoming bullies themselves but by standing up and speaking out that such actions are wrong and they are going to make sure that whoever is behaving this way is called out on their wrong actions.  Employers, Bosses, Managers, Bullies at school, wherever this (we're in a stinking competition, competitive, name-calling, chicken peck order system attitude) that is going on and needs to stop. 

You, dear person who is reading this, are not better than the person next to you.  If they do their job well, and you don't do as well, don't make them pay because of that.  It's not their fault and you are not going to look better by trying to make them look bad.  You may temporarily get ahead, but one day, what you have done to them is going to come right back to you.  Yes, I am still that person who will stand up and fight for you.  I will also get in your face and tell you when you are wrong. 

Yes, we are to run that race and run it to win, but nowhere did the Bible say beat up your fellow person in order to win.  If that was the point you got out of that verse, you need to go back and read your Bible.  Yes, I'm sounding demanding.  Why?  I'm tired of being nice to people who turn around and are downright mean and worst of all, they say they are Christians.  That's one thing about a "Hall, once they've had enough, they've had enough. 

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