Job 39:19-25 NIV “Do you give the horse its strength or clothe its neck with a flowing mane? Do you make it leap like a locust, striking terror with its proud snorting? It paws fiercely, rejoicing in its strength, and charges into the fray. It laughs at fear, afraid of nothing; it does not shy away from the sword. The quiver rattles against its side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement it eats up the ground; it cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds."
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Monday, June 26, 2017
Friday, June 23, 2017
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities...It's No Joke and It's Not Just In Your Head!
Me Reacting to ??
Here I was sitting at my desk at home, minding my own business when I got a whiff of a very familiar scent. We live fairly close to the highway and cars pass by all the time. I recognized the scent as that orange antibacterial aerosol spray, (yea, you all know the one I'm talking about...) when I felt my face go all numb, then tingling, then pinpricks of pain, and then the nausea and the feeling that someone had just buried a hatchet in to your forehead. The first picture was when I started reacting. I was at home alone and I figured if this was it, the one that sent me over the edge, at least then my husband could know what it was that had happened to me. The second picture is about 15 minutes after the exposure to the scent. Imagine that, just sitting at home, inside your house, and you have to worry about these kinds of things.
What do you do when you have told friends that you cannot 'tolerate' certain things which they think "It's all in your head," or take some kind of perverse delight in torturing you more because you have finally had enough and are trying to help others understand the issue and they just cannot believe that their scent would do this to you.
Or better yet, imagine finally getting a chance to 'train' on the job and the company uses the heavily scented bathroom fresheners aside from having a no scent policy and the heavy scent of perfume is strongly in the air. The job is already difficult enough as is and now, you have to try to wade through the brain fog of confusion as your body is just trying to keep you alive and kicking. The nausea, the pain, the never-ending pain of a headache from Hell. Not to mention you just don't want everyone to see you throw-up as you are looking for the closest garbage can to run to because you don't think you can make it to the restroom.
Or, try this one, a co-worker who knows that you react to the above-mentioned orange antibacterial spray; has seen you go in to the ever not-so-lovely gagging asthmatic cough and still decides that they must layer the air heavily with this stuff. So you get to work feeling good when - WHAM BAM, THANK YOU MA'AM, you now get a splitting headache within 15 minutes of arriving at work; trying to look through bleary-eyed, goopy mucus your eyes have created trying to flush this toxic exposure out of your body. Thus making it very difficult to see much less try to concentrate on your computer screen which you must be able to see to do your job. Please, we all know the kind of pain that happens when blurry vision, headache and confusion are making you tense up even more so now that the reactive headache has turned in to a tension migraine.
Educate yourself and please be kind to people who say these things make them sick. They are not lying. They are not making it up and it most certainly is more than just in their brains.
After sinking $5,000.00 in getting an education to transition my former career which is now defuncto due to technology, and now, technology is doing the same thing to that career, and looking down the tracks to see the train - Yea, that train she's a'comin...
I feel really irritated at the circumstances of life and people obliviously go around jumping through all the hoops, struggling to keep the little crumbs thrown at them because of fear. Right is right. Wrong is wrong. There is no middle ground. That means you, Mr./Mrs. CEO of a big corporation, you too will stand before God and have to give account for your actions. I tend to speak for the older population as I AM OLDER. But I also see the younger people struggling. I see some, my own children, who have adopted the attitude - "Why even bother? It's useless. Hopeless. No change. No chance for a better life."
When I look at the requirements for just getting in to a higher education facility, you young person - Jump through this hoop...Nope, not good enough. Go over here and jump through this hoop. Still not good enough, go here and put your left foot in, now take it out, put it back in. Take it out and put your right foot in the middle. Take it out. Nope not good enough. Keep going, keep going, keep going until....BURNOUT - No wonder we are seeing heart attacks increasing in the younger age population. No wonder the suicide rates are climbing. No wonder people are going postal...
Then let's add age discrimination to that mix and now we have people with no experience running companies and all the while the bar is getting lowered and lowered. Companies want experience, but they do not want the older, more experienced, higher salary worker so they make the environment very unfriendly to those people. Pretty soon, young person, they will drop the age even lower on you.
"How can I say this?" you ask. I watched my own father agonize over coworkers being let go as they neared retirement age. What I did not realize as a child myself was that it had been happening even before my father's time. I found this out when my father-in-law started talking about his father and some things the company had done to him. It's true what the Bible say - There is no new thing under the sun.
Ecc 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
I never wanted to have my own business. I wanted to work for an employer who appreciated me as I did my best to give them the very best I could do for them.
Unemployed old person looking for freelance work as a Content Creator... |
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
What's In A Name?
Summer Solstice...
Lev_19:26 Ye shall not eat any thing with the blood: neither shall ye use enchantment, nor observe times.
Deu_18:10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
Summer Solstice
and here
Summer Solstice
Christ Jesus came so that we might be freed from the yoke of bondage (traditions). This leads me to a new word: IRRITATED! I have been irritated at the offerings of the Gospel being sold for mammon. What are you selling? Is it yours' to sell? Remember Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the temple. And if we are going to celebrate, then let's stop trying to Christianize the pagan holidays and take back what the heathens are trying to steal - The Rainbow. The rainbow was given as a sign along with the promise that God would not EVER flood the Earth again. Let's take back the Rainbow. Where are the warriors?
Addendum: I felt compelled to come back and explain that the call for warriors is not a call for violence against anyone. It is a spiritual battle cry. The cry for the truth to be told. You see, we are to love the sinner and hate the sin. We are to love others enough to speak truth and quite frankly, I am more afraid of God than I am of a human who disagrees with me. See, I don't think God sends us to hell as much for our sin, but more so for our rebellious ways which if we are being rebellious, we are sinning. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. We are all sinners. The only difference is Christians know they are forgiven if they have repented and asked for forgiveness of their sins.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Still on Perspective...
It seems things are not
so easy to discern, while you are discerning...the path is dark. The motives and intents are not clear. It's about as clear as mud. You ask a question. You get a snarky reply. It shuts you down so you are afraid to ask a question. If you react in this manner, you don't now you ask questions only to be told you think too much and assume too much.
Or, you go happily through life and along comes somebody with the intent to spitefully use you. They take advantage of your good nature. You are the type of person who doesn't mind wanting to help someone. Meanwhile, "Someone" has their own agenda and you are the pawn they see themselves advancing their agenda with...Oy, Have I ever repeated this one too many times? On the wrong side and as the pawn - Lord, please help me to see clearly and how you would have me respond.
So then you become the paranoid person who is raving mad at the world and decide "No one is ever going to take advantage of me again!" Ummmm, yea, how did that one turn out? Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. It doesn't work. Now, I am having to claw my way out of the pit of despair and anger and, and, and .... LOVE MY NEIGHBOR!
Why do we humans do this to one another? Most especially why do we Christian humans allow these tactics whether motivated from the flesh or from our enemy, Satan, to rule and reign in our lives. Why is it so hard to just 'love' our neighbor. To love those who spitefully use you. To love those who rub you the wrong way...when you know it, you messed up. You bragged and should have kept your mouth shut. But most especially when you were mean to someone, and now that they are kicking back, you dare to get outraged and decide to put them in their place when you were the one that was out of place in the first place.
My hubby posted a prayer on our wall by Jennifer LeClaire from Charisma magazine. It was a prayer for spiritual warfare and it was asking the Lord to burn out all the game playing, the manipulations, the shenanigans...Lord, please burn it out of us. We are so tired of the game playing. Could we just lay aside all of our faults, all of our motives, all of our agendas, and just start looking at the other person and try to help them to do better? Let's take off the masks. Get real with one another with the church body as a whole, not just our little cliques...
Angry people kicking back are people who have been hurt and felt not acknowledged or accepted. They are responding because they feel no one cares. No, you don't have to pay someone to teach you to do this either. Just pick up your Bible, read it, and then start doing what it says you can do and don't do what it tells you not to do. It really is that easy...and then maybe, the mud will clear and the discernment will come for what is the next step. In the mean time, I have learned you really cannot help someone. They have to learn to help themselves. And that is hard for me as the happy, go through life person I am and not be a pawn in the enemy's game plan. Lord Jesus, I need you now more than ever. Please teach me, guide me, lead me to what you would have me to learn, and what you would have me to do. Amen...
so easy to discern, while you are discerning...the path is dark. The motives and intents are not clear. It's about as clear as mud. You ask a question. You get a snarky reply. It shuts you down so you are afraid to ask a question. If you react in this manner, you don't now you ask questions only to be told you think too much and assume too much.
Or, you go happily through life and along comes somebody with the intent to spitefully use you. They take advantage of your good nature. You are the type of person who doesn't mind wanting to help someone. Meanwhile, "Someone" has their own agenda and you are the pawn they see themselves advancing their agenda with...Oy, Have I ever repeated this one too many times? On the wrong side and as the pawn - Lord, please help me to see clearly and how you would have me respond.
So then you become the paranoid person who is raving mad at the world and decide "No one is ever going to take advantage of me again!" Ummmm, yea, how did that one turn out? Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. It doesn't work. Now, I am having to claw my way out of the pit of despair and anger and, and, and .... LOVE MY NEIGHBOR!
Why do we humans do this to one another? Most especially why do we Christian humans allow these tactics whether motivated from the flesh or from our enemy, Satan, to rule and reign in our lives. Why is it so hard to just 'love' our neighbor. To love those who spitefully use you. To love those who rub you the wrong way...when you know it, you messed up. You bragged and should have kept your mouth shut. But most especially when you were mean to someone, and now that they are kicking back, you dare to get outraged and decide to put them in their place when you were the one that was out of place in the first place.
My hubby posted a prayer on our wall by Jennifer LeClaire from Charisma magazine. It was a prayer for spiritual warfare and it was asking the Lord to burn out all the game playing, the manipulations, the shenanigans...Lord, please burn it out of us. We are so tired of the game playing. Could we just lay aside all of our faults, all of our motives, all of our agendas, and just start looking at the other person and try to help them to do better? Let's take off the masks. Get real with one another with the church body as a whole, not just our little cliques...
Angry people kicking back are people who have been hurt and felt not acknowledged or accepted. They are responding because they feel no one cares. No, you don't have to pay someone to teach you to do this either. Just pick up your Bible, read it, and then start doing what it says you can do and don't do what it tells you not to do. It really is that easy...and then maybe, the mud will clear and the discernment will come for what is the next step. In the mean time, I have learned you really cannot help someone. They have to learn to help themselves. And that is hard for me as the happy, go through life person I am and not be a pawn in the enemy's game plan. Lord Jesus, I need you now more than ever. Please teach me, guide me, lead me to what you would have me to learn, and what you would have me to do. Amen...
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