So I woke up this morning to see that a turkey hen had flown in to our chicken pen. Not just one hen, but two, and they were beginning to clash with the one chicken we have left; where life's circumstances have reduced our flock of chickens down to one hen. I thought to myself...hmmmm...just like this to happen while my husband happens to not be at home. Why is that?
I then proceeded to start taking pictures because: 1. I wanted to prove to my husband that there was a Tom turkey...(see photo below) and, 2. So I would have proof that we did not lock a wild turkey into our chicken pen. Anyhow, it was a dilemma and I was not sure how it was going to play out. As long as Chickie, our chicken, stayed on her side of the pen, it was fine. If she moved over to the larger area which she considers her area to face the giant turkeys, things began to go downhill fast. She was outnumbered, outsized and basically, the battle would be over before it even began.
I texted my husband and he was like: "Go be bold and deal with it." I remember stories my father used to tell me "Watch out for those Tom turkeys. They can be mean." So I'm like - "Ummm...No, I'm not going." Then as I watch - Chickie began to face the turkeys. She was ready to take them on. I start telling myself - "If Chickie can be brave, I can be brave." "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13. So I take a rake, in case I have to get physical, and put a jet streamer on the end of the waterhose and proceeded out to the chicken pen. I have to give it to the Tom. He stayed until I was about 10 ft. from him, but the hens ran away as soon as I started in that direction except the two in the pen. One smart hen flew out right away. The Tom took off as soon as I hit him with a water spray. Thank you, Lord! I was very happy I would not have to battle it out with the Tom. The other hen got in a panic and just ran around. She ran all over the pen. I did not want to have to go in to the pen and struggle getting the big gate open. But she just would not calm down....a perfect analogy of us in our struggles of life. We panic. We do not calm down. We do not stop to think and pray for God to help us, to intervene in whatever circumstance we are facing or whatever Goliath might be in our path at that moment.
I proceeded to open the big gate, lock Chickie in her small pen and had to come completely away from the pen as the turkey hen would not calm down. Finally, she got a bit of courage and proceeded to fly in my direction - Thankfully, not directly towards me and flew out of the pen. Whew! What a way to start a morning....facing the turkeys.
I am happy to say, the turkeys are out of the pen and have moved on...Chickie is happy. Peace is again ruling in the Kingdom.
Be bold and be brave. Face those giants. You can do this! All before 9:00 a.m. this morning...
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