Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Danger, Will Robinson, Danger !!!

Lamations 1: 9 (Ex) What has been what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done,
and there is nothing new under the sun.

I awoke this morning to a persistent thought… there is no new thing under the sun. Nothing, Nada, Zilch !!! Then immediately, my mind went to the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. And the attacks are real. But one true thing, know, Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords !!! He is the Beginning and the end. The Alpha and the Omega !!! And as you see, my blog will not let me change the language (found out it was Hindu) or give the option to change my text to English. So, I will just type and hope I do not make too many typing mistakes and somehow this message gets to who it needs to get to ... because God would say to you: I am not a God to be mocked. You cannot Produce me. You cannot just use me to state your whim. (Lost some of the text meaning)  Yes, I desire to have relationship with you and always will, my child, but I alone am God. Yaweh (SP?) I Alone am to be worshipped and glorified. No one else ... All others will fail. They are not me and yes, I am speaking to my church. You have put men on pedestals and and your pedastals are falling.

I awoke to War Drums ... I have been hearing the drums for some time now. They call, beckoning whosoever would hear to hear my heartbeat. I am the King of all kings. The ones who cry out to me and the the places where the blood has been spilt cry out to me. I am the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end.  Judgment is coming. Repent! Judgment is coming! It is time to put your plan away. It is time to for all to reflect and inspect your own heart. Does your heart line up with what my word says? - I alone am He who holds this world; Nay, not this this world but this very galaxy together. I am coming for my people. Those who Do Not Give Up And Give In, those Who Maintain Integrity. Those who stand having been washed and cleaned by my blood. I alone am God! There is no new thing. I alone give life to thinking. I alone am God.  I am calling. Will You Hear? I Am Speaking and Moving?  Do You Hear?

But Yes, I am doing a new thing. I am changing hearts to see my ways. If any other comes to you in my name and does not preach Gospel of Jesus Christ, they Are Demons. They Will Be Exposed.  I Am was the only way to God, the Father. I came and shed my blood for you, my beautiful child, will you not come to me? There is only one who is worthy of all Praise, Honor and Glory, He is I am. My name is Jesus Christ! I Am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. My People of Praise known as Judah.   Our God inhabits the praises of his people. Zion.  Not those who call themselves Jews and are not Jews. My People hear and my  People Know My Voice. The are not going to turn from me. Cry out to me, and I will rescue you. I Will Save You.  I tell you this day, the Kingdom of Heaven suffers Violence and the Violent Take It by force.

Rise Up, Oh My Children, Rise Up! Be who you are The rescuers, the healers, the ones who speak truth in the darkness to put light in to dark places. Rise Up! No more delays, no more excuses! 
Rise Up!

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