It's so easy as a human to fall in to the world's ideas and theology rather than as a Christian to fall in to God's ideas and theology. Let me start right off the bat by saying in order to know God's ways, you have to read His Word, The Holy Bible.
All of this stems from the fact that as humans, we tend to want to categorize and organize ourselves in to boxes. God is all about being outside of the boxes. A pastor friend, Wayne Friedt, would say, "Do you know what a rut is? A rut is a coffin with the ends knocked out of it." Meaning, if you are doing the same thing over and over, it really is just kind of dead, but someone forgot to tell it, it's dead. Are you dead? No, as a Christian, I am spiritually alive in Christ Jesus. As a Christian, I identify as a worshipper. Really in truth, we Believers' in Christ are all worshippers. Rightfully so, but there are callings, giftings, and anointings and all the time the world is yelling...YELLING "You've got to have (____________)." (fill in the blank.)
So, I was watching America's Got Talent 'coz I was tired of all the bad news, latest political stuff, and as much as I hate to turn on regular TV now waiting for all that pi azz za g a te stuff to come out, I thought, as the world tells us, 'let's watch others so we can learn and improve ourselves.' As I was watching and listening to the critiques, called judges, who are well-intentioned in their comments because yes, if you are going to be a performer/entertainer, you gotta have charisma. "Hmmmmmmm, how can I work on my charisma?" I asked myself...
Myself responded with record yourself in videos so you can see and learn what to improve and what to change. I video taped myself...yes, I video taped myself and how humiliating! Because if I am going to be completely honest with myself, I am never going to have the world's kind of charisma that was being spoken of by the judges. Yea, you see, I'm just not one of those happy, smiley people when I sing and play the piano. Try as I might, I just am not a smiley person. It's fake. It's not me. I smile, but I am just not one of those 'smiley' people. You know the kind right? Yea, you know what I mean...fake! FAKE!!!
So I almost bought in to the world's lie, "You gotta have ______________." For me, it was charisma. A good friend reminded me that's the world's ways when we spoke about this event where I had played and led worship for a small gathering. I am always told "You are anointed." But for some reason, it is hard for me to believe it. Now don't get me wrong. I want to play well and do well. I do want to do the very best I can do and on that day hear the Lord say to me "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." But I was reminded that as Christians, God has different goals and standards than the world's...and again, I ask myself how is it that I so easily fell for the enemy's lies once again.
So I work on skillsets and my capability of playing my instrument well. I work on knowing the song and make sure it is in my range of vocal capabilities, but I am not working on charisma because I am who I am and I do not need to act or fake it because you either are or ARE NOT anointed by the Holy Ghost and no amount of acting is going to get the results of authentic worship except the presence of the Holy Spirit using you as a vessel. If you are about yourself and being inauthentic then God is going to say "Go ahead, but I'm having no part of it!" I humbly admit I need God more than ever to work in and through me when someone asks me to do _____________ for God. You can't buy Him or sell Him. You can't produce Him. All you can do is say, "Here I am Lord, obedient and willing, ready to do what you would have me to do." That is all you can do, friend, and it is all you should do...For the most part, God does and will work through a willing vessel. Sometimes it is easier and sometimes, it is harder. For praise and worship services, I find it to be a battleground knowing we have to fight the fight of faith and the enemy does not want anyone entering in to praise and worship with God.
I am going to leave you with this thought...Another friend and I were discussing this topic of praise and worship which has become such a battlefield in the church arena. I had always read and knew the importance of praise and worship as a tool in spiritual warfare. It seems that some really do not know the importance of the praise and worship service.
In 1 Chronicles 20:20-22, we see where God directs Jehosaphat to send the 'singers' out to battle first. I always viewed this as 'let's get out there and kick the devil's butt.' And there is that aspect....but what my friend noticed and pointed out is that scripture says that as we began to sing and praise God then He sets the ambushes that will ensnare the enemy. He only starts to move as we begin to ....yep ....sing and praise Him. If you need some overcoming in your life, start to sing and praise God. Most of all, don't fall for the lie of the enemy that you need what the world has to give.
Blessings to you
Debbie AKA "The Black Sheep of the Flock" I'm constantly in trouble....
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