Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Perseverance and Perspective

So it's been a while since I have....well, like everyone, trying to survive.  As soon as one thing ends, some other disaster happens.  For a while now, the Lord gave me a word.  Just a word and whatever was happening, the word applied.  A lesson being learned...what Jesus was teaching me to walk through; let's just say that the last season has really been what felt like walking through the flames although I have to say I'm not burnt.  I may be a little singed, smelling of ashes but not burnt!  THANK YOU GOD!  

In this new season, it seems I have been upgraded from one word to now, there are two words resonating very loud in my thoughts.  Perseverance and Perspective.  The cute little kitty up there is our new cat, Ace.  He is a very smart little guy to be a cat.  Ace has a brother, Slim.  Slim is an orange tabby.  Weird how you can get a Tuxedo kitty and an Orange Tabby out of the same litter, right?  One of God's wonders of the universe.  So we had them neutered for, well, they're male cats, for gracious sake.  Can we say the testosterone has been flying around our house.  Currently Slim is trying to dismantle my phone charger.  Stop that!  See...See WHAT I MEAN!!!  

So somehow in caring for the patients, we do not know whether Ace bit himself, or Slim bit him in a scuffle.  The recovery was going well.  Then BAM!  Ace was not feeling so well or acting himself.  My wonderful hubby took him in to the vet and, this truly was a God thing.  The vet said that they did not see anything and Ace rolled over.  As he rolled an abscess ruptured.  Now if you have ever had an abscess you know what vile, nastiness can be in that kind of wound.  A God moment, the abscess ruptured right there in the vet's office where it could be dealt with appropriately and correctly.  "Dear God, really?  remember Missy...the enemy attacking saying "see, it's going to happen again.."  and we're shouting "Shut up, Devil!  No! It's not! and you're not touching our kitty."  

So now we are in after care of a draining, wound cleansing, drainage tube put in, and things were going great.  Ace was meeting all the milestone markers:  1.  Peeing, check. 2. Pooping, double check.  3.  Eating, Check. 4.  Drinking water, check.  Great, things were going great!  Then Bam!!!  Day Five of  after care and trying to keep kitty happy, not an easy thing to do while they are caged and collared:  Ace somehow ripped out his drainage tube instead of waiting patiently for his next visit which was three days away.  Really?  REALLY???  Gosh Ace, what were you thinking?  

So a trip back to the vet, but great news -  It was healing well.  There was no infection and things should go well except now we have another week added to keeping kitty caged.  Perseverance and perspective.  Well, the kittens are calling.  I hear litter slinging in the background as one is pitching a fit while the other one is receiving care and vice versa.  If it's not one, it's the other one.  Oy!  What were we thinking?  And I hear again perseverance and perspective.  It really is like dealing with two small toddlers who find numerous ways to get up to mischief.  But, God is faithful and as each situation arises, Holy Spirit answers me to what is the next step.  As I peruse the event that just occurred and am thinking "Now, what am I going to do?"  God is so faithful to give me a thought and a small quiet voice saying, "Try this..."  Perseverance and perspective.  Never give up!  Never give in!  


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