Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Worship of Tammuz

Do you ever find yourself reading your Bible, like a good Christian, and ask what was the worship of Baal; what was the worship of Tammuz?  What are the traditions of men that make void the Word of God? 

I have walked with the Lord for a long time, ever since I was a young child.  He has led me down paths and when I became a parent myself, I did have to ask myself, "Self, What are you going to let in to your children?"  I decided from day one that I was not going to lie to my children about:  The Easter Bunny, Santa, The Tooth Fairy, etc., etc.  If we read fairy tales, we did so with an intent to learn about literature.

Even though my children are grown, I still find myself in battles over the traditions of men.  I cannot open-heartedly jump in to the activities of the day.  If I would not do it with my own children, why would I want to do this with someone else's child?  It has brought pain in my life to stand on this principle in my life.  The enemy attacks vigorously with:  "See, you're just being fanatical on this issue..."  My own thoughts attack my mind.  Yet, I cannot with good conscious before the Lord celebrate Easter. 

When I first heard the pagan background of most Christian holidays, I was heart-broken.  First, I was heart-broken in how I thought something that would be pleasing to the Lord was, most likely, highly offensive to the Lord.  Secondly, I detest lying and to have been lied to and finding out the deceit and trickery involved, well...let's just say I never have a good reaction when I have been lied to about something.  So I hope that with telling you a couple of things about me, you will read for yourself and find truth for yourself.  I am on a mission of truth-seeking, truth-finding, and sometimes I just do not like the answers.  But there the truth is, as plain as the black and white text of your Bible or your app, or whatever colors you choose to paint your world.  Please understand that God's paint is the truth. 

Eze 8:14-15  Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD'S house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.  Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these.

Mar 7:13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

This explanation and writing tells much better than I can The Worship of Tammuz.  But if anything, it is a very good reason to study your classics including Greek will find it in your Bible. 

The Worship of Tammuz  ( please see for explanation of pagan worship)

Here are two more links that I hope you will read for yourself and more importantly look up the scripture references and see what your Holy Bible says about pagan traditions and worship that is pleasing to our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Links:  More Information   Queen of Heaven
And Even More Information    A great intensive study of the Bible and Greek Gods

I make it a point to celebrate Resurrection Day and the Passover Feast to remind me of the great things Jehovah God has done for me.  I hope you will take time to learn about the above information and through prayer, reading of your Bible and being led by the Holy Spirit, decide what is right to do for you and your family.  I can no longer in good conscious celebrate Easter, or better known as Ishtar, the worship of the Babylonian Goddess Ashtoreth.  I can, however, whole-heartedly celebrate the Passover Lamb that God provided in His Son, Jesus Christ.  I  can celebrate that He died, rose again, and is alive today moving and intervening in our lives.  I celebrate Passover in remembrance of what He did for His people and I use it to remind me and encourage me that He is still doing so for us today.  He is alive and He lives.  The tomb is empty.  The grave could not hold Him.  He defeated the enemy and He is coming back again. And not only did he defeat the enemy, Satan, Jesus Christ took the keys to the Kingdom.  In the atonement, we not only have salvation, we have (fill in the blank.)

So you go ahead and have your Easter Ham (the wild boar that killed Tammuz).  I'm going to partake of lamb in remembrance of The One who sacrificed Himself so that we might be restored to a right relationship with God, Our Passover Lamb, Jesus Christ! 

More verses on pagan deities: 

Jer. 7:18
Jer. 44
I Kings 11
Jdgs 2:11

And Even More...

1Co 10:21-22 Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils. Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he?


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