Job 39:19-25 NIV “Do you give the horse its strength or clothe its neck with a flowing mane? Do you make it leap like a locust, striking terror with its proud snorting? It paws fiercely, rejoicing in its strength, and charges into the fray. It laughs at fear, afraid of nothing; it does not shy away from the sword. The quiver rattles against its side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement it eats up the ground; it cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds."
Monday, December 19, 2022
Thursday, June 9, 2022
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Justice, Judgment, Forgiveness, and ???
So Jesus has been keeping me on specific words. Other words He has given to me in the past were: Perseverance, Accountability, Truth, Integrity, and now these words, justice, judgment, and forgiveness. I'm getting the forgiveness slung at me all the time all while I'm looking at the behavior which presents as a very controlling type of presence. The thing I have and am still learning is how the enemy operates. You see, if you are going to win in a battle, you have to know how your enemy operates. What are his tactics? If you know this, you know what to do and how to make your next move. I find discipleship sadly lacking now days. Where are the Sunday School classes? As my hubby said the other day, "Let's change the name Sunday School to Discipleship Class." Yes, let's do that! Whatever it takes to get to understanding what has happened in Christian-dom.
Although the hurts and pains come through people, people are not your enemy. The enemy is your enemy - the ole deceiver, otherwise known as Satan. The Bible says, "He is the father of lies." And so he is. There is rule #1: Satan lies. It's how he got Eve in the garden of Eden and it is still how he operates today. Lying can come in many forms - First of all, it is easy to see an outright lie. When somebody just lies, you see it. You know it. Their words and their actions do not line up. Okay, so we all admit. We can see that...I know that!!! Yes, I hear the yells - tell me something I don't know. Well, I don't know about you, but for me, it comes hard to believe that somebody just does that. I don't do that. Do you do that? Most people I know do not do that. They really don't lie. If you do, you are a sad, deluded individual and we will all pray for you to get free from that sin of lying.
Satan, the father of all lies, has found a way to very sneakily, slight of hand, control and manipulate. Sometimes, you see this openly and sometimes, it is very well hidden. The results of which bring on anger. He's very good at getting you to stay in the emotional realm which, as Christians, we are not to live in our emotions. We live by faith. By faith, remember Hebrews, chapter 11, THE WHOLE CHAPTER!!! By faith...
So this has been a process. A process of why did this happen to me? Anger, bitterness, resentment, the conviction of - pray for your enemy, pray for those who deceitfully use you, forgive,. I can do this because by Christ Jesus, I can do all things, Philippians 4:13. Yes, you know and a b'zillion times of - No, I forgave them as the enemy loves to bring it back up or the person unknowingly slaps you in the face again with the same behavior, actions, and if you say something...Forgive, you're judging. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about...they will turn it on you. You're the one with the problem, not me. You're supposed to forgive me if I lied to you...aren't you? Hmmm, hmmm...see there...see how you are...all the meanwhile they are still doing what they're doing and you're asking yourself, "God, I just don't understand. What is going on? What am I doing wrong?"
One day, Jesus brings the answer and you see just how the enemy operates. Now, I have to warn you because everyone always says, "Don't pray for patience because you will be tested to the max." That I have found to be a very true statement. But I also am warning you, "Don't ask for discernment either." Well, let me say be warned when you ask for discernment because we should have discernment when going about our lives. But be warned - most likely all hell will break out.
When a friend and I prayed and asked God to help us see and discern the enemy working, well, all I can say is that ALL HELL BROKE OUT!!! I was attacked like I have never been attacked in all my life. I'm still battling some of what I feel (feelings, aggghhhh get that song out of my head) but for lack of a better English word - feel...what I feel like was the demonic. No, I'm not crazy. Yes, this really happened. Things began flying off of the countertop. There were bumps and bangs at various places in my house. A knock at the front door and no one was there. And worst of all, an attack on my physical health. My health spiraled majorly downward. I still have issues going on physically. I'm getting better as Jesus leads me down this path. I have found myself learning, withdrawing out of some things completely and later finding out for good reasons. One thing I know, my Savior, Jesus Christ, keeps me. I listen to His Holy Spirit and if He says, "Do this..." I do it. If he says, "Stop this." I stop it. Oh wait, hold it...that's another story for another day. Back to the topic - Anger, forgiveness, truth, integrity, moral standing, more anger to now we're hopping mad. Just past all the feelings of whatever it brings up in you to - I'M DONE!!! PERIOD!!! NOT MAD...NOT WHATEVER YOU THINK I AM - JUST DONE! FINI! The End! Right?? You understand where I am...and you, my friend, have you ever been there? The point where you say to yourself, 'Well, they can do that, but I am not going to do that (_Fill in the blank_) that is what I call Righteous Anger. A recognition of right and wrong and God so help me, I'm not doing what is wrong. I don't do it to others, and no more are they going to do it to me. I do believe God puts this in to people for change to come about. Because if we all sit around and speak - love, forgive, peace, let them slap the other cheek, and do nothing what changes? The ones doing this do not change. They just get bolder. They get more aggressive.
So I am older now. Hopefully somewhat wiser too as I age. I am not promoting go out and start a war. But, I am saying, "Stand your ground, Soldier of the Lord!" We fight not as this world fights. We fight in the spiritual realm. Through thoughts, ideas, or in other words - Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray, Praise, Worship! It gets very disheartening when you hear that everything you ever thought was good and of God has been controlled, manipulated and turned in to an incendiary device by the enemy and used mightily for his kingdom. But, BUT *** We have the Word of God. The enduring Holy Scripture of God. The Sword of Truth, the double-edged sword that cuts soul and spirit. It endures for eternity. Speak the Word over your life. Decree God's Promises over yourself and your family. If you don't know Jesus, get to know Jesus. You do this by picking up your Bible and reading. Ask for wisdom. Jesus will help you. I suggest you start in the chapters named: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Then go to Romans... Jesus told them and He does it still today - He sends His Holy Spirit to those who believe in Him, repent of their sins, and desire to be obedient and follow Him.
Okay, so back to my topic, one of the most forefront attacks you will ever receive is the statement of - You're judging. You're bitter. You're unforgiving. So I say to myself, "Self, let's sit down and examine ourselves." I don't think I'm unforgiving. I gave them another chance, and another. That's not unforgiving. Am I crazy? They called me crazy...and the enemy's next tactic comes in to play. "You're crazy." And there will be multiple episodes of someone yelling at you, You're Crazy!!! Yes, he is the accuser of the brethren. Every sling, fault, insult will come back and reverberate around inside your head until it does tend to DRIVE YOU CRAZY!!! Driving you to the point of being a useless, ineffective witness for the Lord. And the accuser (your true enemy) goes off hackling in glee because he's won the battle. I tell you I live for the day when Jesus sends him to the abyss and I no longer have to deal with him.
So, forgive the long rambling today, but all of this led me on a search which led me to boundaries. But boundaries gets perverted really quickly because it turns in to more control and manipulation. Remember, God gives us wisdom and it comes through His Word, The Holy Bible. Boundaries led to Lord, give me discernment which led to all out attack from the enemy because he does not want you to learn anything of God and have any kind of success in your life. This led to self-examination, what am I doing wrong? which led to I think I have forgiven which led to - definite conclusion - Yes, I have forgiven and No, I do not have to participate with them anymore, which led to more anger, but it is leading to righteous anger which led to more Bible reading - How do I deal with this? which led to word study. Word study on - "Okay, God...what do you say about justice, judgment, and forgiveness." I am happy to say, God seems to have a lot to say about justice. He is looking for those who will stand up for right against all odds. He is looking for a few good men (women and children too) who will give it their all and be obedient to Him and His Word. People who will be led by His Spirit. You will know them by their fruits - Another way to discern the evil from good. Bad fruit equals lying, cheating, stealing, murder, mayhem, control, bondage, enslaved, does harm to others. Good fruit equals love, compassion, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, understanding, things that are going to lead to more good.
I found it really very interesting what God has to say on the topic of Justice. I'm going to list a few here from and, believe it or not, there are so many that I will leave it to you to look further for yourself.
Gen_18:19 For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
Psa_82:3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.
Psa_89:14 Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.
Pro_21:3 To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.
Isa_56:1 Thus saith the LORD, Keep ye judgment, and do justice: for my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed.
It is scary when we see what happens if we do not stand for justice and judgment...
Isa_59:4 None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.
Isa_59:9 Therefore is judgment far from us, neither doth justice overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness.
Isa_59:14 And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.
My absolute favorite on this topic -
Psa 94:15 But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it. 16 Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?
I hear myself say, "Me Lord. I will, I will stand for righteousness." I look around and ask "Who will join me?"
Choose ye this day whom you will for me, myself, and I - I will serve the Lord, Jesus Christ!
Hab 3:17 Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: 18 Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. 19 The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.
Monday, April 25, 2022
Forgiveness, Anger, Bitterness Resentment...
Justice, Accountability, Truth, Honor Integrity!!!
So forgiveness is something that is being thrown at me lately. I'm like so done with abusers who walk all over someone until they do react and then claim they did nothing. ...
I have pondered this and asked, and asked the Lord and brought it to the Lord again and again and it just keeps happening. I know I will not have the time today to do justice and write what I feel like the Lord would have me say along with all the thoughts, look up the verses and such...But I am going to hand you these verses and ask you ??? I hope someone in the universe will answer because I just see no end to this torment...
Psalms 94:16
Psalms 94:16
“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?”
Isaiah 56 the whole chapter...but especially the first verse...Thus saith the LORD, Keep ye judgment, and do justice: for my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed.
Everyone says, "Don't Judge...don't judge!!
I'm not really reading that here...
and then there's Romans 11...not quite sure, but it seems God is doing some judging there of people not standing against evil and wrong.
I have also bookmarked Romans 16:17
which is clear enough, but it is amazing what causes division, disagreement and strife now days...
Next we have James 2:8-13
and chapter 4
one thing I feel I have realized recently is that:
If you are hearing, seeing, feeling gaslighting -
AND lastly, I have 1 John 1:8 and 1 John 2:9 to close out this short post...
Unfortunately, I think some use the term forgiveness as a means to continue abusing the person they're telling forgive to and then others really do need to forgive. I just want to know the line between right and wrong. Truth,'s always a he say/she say situation or put whatever combo you like there...but what's really on the line is truth and untruth, honesty or lies, frank honestness or frank lies, deceits and trickery. I haven't gotten this far in my life by lying, I'm not about to start now.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Looking for the Good While Not Compromising My Integrity...
So, this morning I purposed to get up and choose to look at things and situations as they came up with a more positive focus. You know, find the lemonade in the lemon type of uh, uh, thing...yea that!
Sunday, April 3, 2022
A Fire Burns....
the minions of Hell ply on the thoughts...burn hotter, more, more, more...Jesus says, "Peace be still."
In the midst of the fire, in the midst of the attack, in the midst _____________(yep, the usual fill in the blank...). One more stuffing it down. Not saying anything. Not doing anything. And BOOM, the volcano goes off!!! The extreme point of being able to 'suck it up' and 'forgive' has been met. No more! No More!! NO MORE!!! The insult - what's wrong with her? The talks and the lies rather than listening, consoling, showing love and compassion.
The regrets, the endless questioning of 'why did you let that affect you so?' The acceptance that yes, you are accountable for your part. But, BUT also acknowledgement that maybe you are being trained to help so others do not have to go through what you went through. The last thing I want as a Christian is to hurt someone else the way I have been hurt. Maybe, although it is a hard thing for me to accept, but just maybe I do have a little more experience and a little more knowledge than you. Real life experiences of pain, betrayal, broken promises, yea, like everyone else - I got the T-shirt with holes in it.
Choices - Forgive. As a Christian, it's really not a choice. It's an act of obedience. Christ says, "if we do not forgive, our Father in Heaven cannot forgive us." Ummmm, yea, I'll take all the forgiveness I can give. So that requires me to forgive. I am receiving some help in understanding why I am not responding in the usual way of forgive and move on. I am moving on, but as I am moving on I desire better. Better for myself and better for all I come in contact with....better for strangers I do not know on Facebook or Blogger, or where ever God directs my path.
So God has, at various times in my life, used movies to bring home a point. With that said, I found myself watching a great movie the other day. A movie of someone who took the really bad thing in their life and used it to help others to understand the whys' and hows' of what they deal with in their life daily. The movie I'm referring to is, "Front of the Class." I cannot say that my physical ailments come anywhere close to what this young man deals with. Did I learn something from someone younger than I am? Yes, I did! The point is - He set an excellent example of taking something really bad and using it to teach others so they would not punish some person for something that is totally out of their control. Geez, that sounds like something that we could totally use right now, doesn't it? Maybe all the cut throat managerial styles can start working on reversing the damage caused by the last, more than a few years of dog eat dog philosophy and start teaching the listen to understand philosophy and that you do not have to destroy others to succeed in your endeavors. Everybody wins. Yea!!!
How do you teach that when you help others, it does not make you weaker? But let's be clear about real help rather than enabling. There are times where you do need to stop enabling. But there again, you are going to help that person rather than hurt if it is true enabling. Are we all doing the best we can do? Are we holding something against someone? Are we really running that race to the best of our ability?
So I guess I exhibit a certain behavior that comes off as anger to others. I have been accused of 'unforgiveness' and yada yada yada...I see, after someone listened to me and responded how I might have been trained to respond as 'looking for a fight.' Let me assure you, the last thing I want to do is fight you. However, when God is telling me to speak, "I'm gonna speak." Why? I fear God more than I fear you. I also desire to please Him and Jesus requires obedience if you are following Him. I have also found my peace. I have found the example of 'teach others' so they can understand better and not hurt someone else. I hope that the ears that need to hear will hear and eyes that need to see will see. You never help someone by one upping them or getting something over on them. Make sure you are not adding to the trauma that has already been done to them. I have no desire to make someone pay or exact revenge. That is not my place. I will leave that to God because God says that revenge is His. He will take care of it and as in ALL THINGS, I find God is faithful to His Word. Trust Him. He can and He will!!!
I hope as always the next time you see me, you find me --- with my hands lifted high, shouting Hallelujah to Jesus, My Lord! Or playing my instrument of praise, and singing "Holy is the Lord!" I'm gonna sing, shout, and dance before my King. I'm gonna lift my hands and praise your Holy Name, Jesus! I'm gonna shout Hallelujah to Jesus Christ, my King of kings!
Monday, March 14, 2022
So Why Do You...???
And Why Does It Matter...???
The questions echoed in her head. How can they think it doesn't matter? She asked herself. They all had lied to her. They all had in some form or fashion tried to manipulate her for their advantage. When does it stop? She spoke, "It matters! I don't know about you, but my Bible says 'You will, on judgement day, give an account of every word, deed, and action done.' No free pass. Why do they think it is okay to do this to others? I do not do this to them." She heard Holy Spirit speak through the din of advice - you just need to forget this. It will always hold you up; and she felt the usual anger rising over the injustice of the deceit and trickery that had been carried out against her. His voice pierced through the hurt, anger, and chaos of being a hurt human. "It's okay. Give it to me. You know why...stop and think! Tell me why." She thought for a few minutes and then haltingly the words came out, "Because I do not want to be like them." Instantly, the anger left. Peace came and order brought to chaos.
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Well, I Did It Again....
Wait, what was that? I did not obey the Lord. He said to me, "Write." And I replied with, " I don't 'feel' like it, Lord. With all that is going on in the world, what do I have to say that would mean ____________ anything??? (fill in the blank). The injustices, the wrongs, the lies, the deceit, the take advantage of another, the backbiting, the backstabbing...on and on it goes...No one listens anyway...what's the point?"
As I saw a prophecy from people who seem to hear from God all the time and have a lot to say, I was reminded of the last time this happened. My promise to God to do better next time and to be obedient. So here goes...even though I don't "feel like it." Forgive me, Lord, and help me to do better next time.
Jesus has been speaking to me lately of frequencies and sounds and how God is a frequency. God is __________...we can all fill in that blank with the words of how we see God. God is all-powerful. God is everywhere at all times. God is never-ending. God is our healer, our Savior...but lately, I'm reminded of how important frequency is. I'm not much of a 'science' person. I'm more of a creative artistic day dreamer type that does not care much about the science of things...I just try it and it comes together is more of the way I go about life. That might explain a few failures too, but nevertheless, it is me and I accept me for how God created me. So there...take that....all you brainiacs. God uses us all. He needs us all. My spouse deals in the realms of quantum physics. He understands it. I look at it and squawk. Squawking is a frequency. And my mind goes on rambling patterns in every direction trying to pull out what exactly are you wanting me to say, Lord.
Frequency, frequency, sound, sound, - what comes to mind. Two things immediately come to mind - Resonance and energy. Praise, Worship, Singing, make a joyful noise, play your instrument skillfully. Sing, dance, clap your hands. If you do not, the very rocks will cry out. It is already established that what you feed on will come out of you. There again, as I have said before, my previous pastor, retired Pastor Wayne Friedt always says, "What you feed grows, what you starve dies." So again, I am reminded of the importance of this truth. If you feed on bad, you will start to speak bad (think down, depressing, oppressed, suppressed, etc.) if you feed on positive, you will speak more to the positive (liberty, free, happy, carefree, alive, well, healed, prosperous, etc.) I find this very true even when I'm just sitting around the house and if I choose to let my mind just veg...yeah, you know..binge watching whatever, it's not long before I find myself in this mind numbing oppression. However, if I choose to put God in everything and filter, filter, filter, I will, without a doubt, be more upbeat, have more energy, feel better.
So I want to leave this post for thoughts of encouragement. God wins! In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Even in the midst of this battle, we know the outcome. God Wins! We read the back of the book, The Holy Bible. We know that with God all things are possible. As God spoke to call the chaos in to order, we need to speak to call our chaos in to order. Whatever you are facing today, Friend, there is nothing that is too difficult for Jesus to handle. Frequency, resonance, those deeps ends of high and lows, the power, the tremble as the rocks cry out praising the creator of this universe. His name is all-powerful, Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Feel that energy rising. Life giving and sustaining energy. What is your frequency? Does it have power and energy with it? Does it bring life? Does it make you do and feel better or worse? Frequencies matter. Frequencies do have the ability to give life or take life. And you thought the praise and worship service wasn't that important. Really?
Lord Jesus, put me at the altar with the angels singing "Hallelujah to our King!" How you saved us and redeemed us by your amazing grace. All mercy from you unto us, let us now bow our knees and declare you are our King. Jesus, We praise your Holy Name! Let the rocks cry out, let our voices shout. You spoke the worlds into being, and you let us use your name. We speak let liberty be, for all you see, as you Jesus died and took our place on Calvary. We give you all praise, honor and glory, God, and thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus, and you filled us with your Holy Spirit. We sing of your amazing grace, your unending mercy, and oh, fill us with the sound of heaven.
John 1:1
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
King James Version (KJV)